16 years ago
I am an old Dead Head; What's a Bonnaroo?Saw The Dead in 1980 at the Greek Theater, anyone else? I love Phish also.

16 years ago
Oh please no! Phish can and should do their OWN festival like they have successfully done so many times. Besides I like to sleep during the 'roo headliners so that I can do the late nite...

16 years ago
I agree. I love Phish and hate to see them play there because its caos at such a BIG festival with other bands. If they would do thier own thing we could enjoy it more and met lots of kind family there!!!

16 years ago
I am a deadhead too! I've seen the GD over 50 times and NOTHING will ever hold a candle to seeing Jerry and the GD on stage. I've never been to Bonnaroo, but it seems like it would be fun. I would rather see Phish headline with a shitload of others band playing, rather than just see Phish play for 10 hours each day for 3 days...

Cazzy-The Alien Bluez Dude
16 years ago
Mike Gordon Warren Haynes DJ Logic Story *********************************************** I actually had the pleazure of jammin' with DJ Logic of Yohimbe Brothers One Mountain Jam NY awhile ago at an after party club...(Thankz Logic...get in touch kool? You're my friend on myspace. After I played guitar,this young gentleman came up to me and said..I was wailing. I told him thank you very much...and that he had a pretty kool bass guitar there. (I had no idea what kind o

Cazzy-The Alien Bluez Dude
16 years ago
Oh yezzz... Even though I can never get thru on Mike's phone message service...I thought that was pretty kool of him.

16 years ago
Oh..and Andrea, I didn't get to see the Dead at the Greek in 1980, but the Greek shows were always killer in that era! I did see Phish at the Greek back in 93 and that place is AWESOME!

Uncle Rez
16 years ago
I probably won't make Bonnaroo, so whether they play there or not doesn't move me. But, they better play ALPINE this summer! Can't WAIT!!

16 years ago
The Dead reunion at Alpine was awesome!