Generica Blanding
15 years ago
Who actually wrote the book?

Generica Blanding
15 years ago
Curious who wrote the book. Toni or another author?

15 years ago

Ed Munson
15 years ago
Hi, Generica "Relix:The Book" is a "greatest hits" of Relix Magazine from 1974-2001 when the magazine was sold. Toni's new material is added to enhance the historical perspective of the articles, as well as her own personl/professional insights. Writers of the original articles and interviews include Toni Brown, many staff writers, plus such people as Tom Constanten of the Grateful Dead, Buddy Cage of New Riders, Sandy Rothman, Jeff Tamarkin, and too many others to put inside this little box.

Generica Blanding
15 years ago
Thanks Ed - sounds like it's jam packed with great material. I look forward to checking it out.

15 years ago

15 years ago
I read until my hand goes to sleep from holding it, lay it down and do something else until the feeling returns.... it's awesome, please accept my personal thanks for your efforts. I feel like I stepped back in time and am reliving my life.

14 years ago
Toni and Ed walked into my work place today. What a privilege it was to talk to them and re-live some of the earlier times. I got a chance to check out the book. It is amazing, i can't wait to buy it. Many thanks for the hard work and memories.. Peace