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Create KindPics Post or eCards with Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead
Create KindPics Post or eCards with The Dude from the Big Lebowski
Create KindPics Post or eCards with The Dude from the Big Lebowski
Create KindPics Post or eCards with Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead
Create KindPics Post or eCards with Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead

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Start Your Holiday Gift List and Display in Your Profile  
Posted: 16 years ago by KindWeb Ed
Start Your Holiday Gift List and Display in Your Profile
1,499 Viewed  - 0 Dug it

How would you like to have your holiday gift list online for all your friends and family to see?  Now you can, within your KindWeb profile.  You can add products from our store to your list, then give your friends and family the address to see your profile and gift list.

Your MyKindWeb profile, is like a social networking feature for kindfolks.  You can log all the shows you've been to so you can keep track or show friends your list.  You can add suggestions to KindWeb content for others to see and much more!

By default, your profile is initially set to private so only your friends can see you.  But, you do have the choice to make it public if you'd like the whole world to see who you are.

Check it out here:  www.kindweb.com/mykindweb

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