Accumulate less junk! The less junk you have to move, the less fuel you will use to move, which also means less pollitants being released in the environment
If you do have an excess of junk, have a yard sale before moving. If you still have an excess of junk, donate it. Libraries will take old books, schools will take old computers, and your local GoodWill will take old clothing.
Use environmentally friendly packing materials. There are companies who will rent crates to use for moving. Here are two examples: and If you do use boxes, use recycled boxes. Many local business will have extra boxes which are normally disposed of and many are more than happy to unload these on to you for a good use.
When cleaning out your old house, make sure to use environmentally friendly cleaning products. Some areas have eco-friendly cleaning crews which will come onsite like: If this is not an option in your area, most local grocery stores carry natural cleaning products now.
During the move, turn off lights, heaters, water heaters, and other electronics in your old house so you don't waste energy on an empty house.