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Jam Along the Creek V  
Posted: 10 years ago by KindWeb Ed
Jam Along the Creek V
4,790 Viewed  - 0 Dug it

We are excited to announce that the Golden Gate Wingmen will be headlining Jam Along the Creek V on June 13th.  The 3 day event is set to take place at Sunsational Family Campground in Millmont Pa. A gorgeous 40+ acre campground on Penns Creek.

Featuring swimming holes, great fishing, kayaking, bathrooms, showers, playground, swimming pool, late night pool party, community fire, FREE CRAFT VENDING and music from noon - 3 am.

Confirmed Artists:

Golden Gate Wingmen:  John Kadlecik of Furthur, Phil Lesh & Friends, DSO; Jay Lane of Ratdog, Furthur & Primus, Jeff Chimenti of Furthur & Ratdog, Reed Mathis of Tea Leaf Green & Jacob Fred’s.

Still Hand String Band

Willie Jack & the Northern Light

Dr Slothclaw



& more tba shortly.


For tickets and more info visit www.jamalongthecreek.com