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Dumpstaphunk Kicks Off Spring Tour with Dates Across the South  
Posted: 9 years ago by KindWeb Ed
Dumpstaphunk Kicks Off Spring Tour with Dates Across the South
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Later this week the Dump Truck is getting loaded up and heading out for Dumpstaphunk’s Spring tour.  Starting with a 3 night run through Alabama before heading out to to their annual pilgrimage at the Wanee music festival in Live Oak, FL.  Their tour continues with a stop at the Historic Scoot Inn in Austin before turning back around for a run of dates in New Orleans in late April and early May.  After that, they’re going back to Cali and beyond in May.  If you are looking to get out and let loose, make sure you check out Dumpstaphunk at a venue near you!  Check out their site here http://www.dumpstaphunk.com/shows/ for the full set of dates!