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Holy Kimoto - 01/08/2010: The White Room; Miami, FL  
Posted: 15 years ago by Brian Spady
Holy Kimoto - 01/08/2010:  The White Room;  Miami, FL
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As the MSC Poesia returned to port early on the morning of January 8th, many passengers of the already legendary sold out Jam Cruise 8 were left with a burning desire for even more kick ass music. As luck would have it, later that night just 40 minutes south of Fort Lauderdale, Holy Kimoto was scheduled to rock the minds of listeners.. The group is comprised of the already popular musical power house that is Eoto, Jason Hann and Michael Travis of The String Cheese Incident, as well as recent Jam Cruise 8 participants Steve Kimock and Kyle Hollingsworth. Eager with anticipation, fans lined the block awaiting entry into Miami's White Room. The air was buzzing with wonderment as to what would be performed since it was known that there was no practice time for the super group. Kimock had been busy preparing for Jam Cruise with his project Crazy Engine and the same for Hollingsworth, performing with his own band as well as with the Motet's Talking Heads tribute act. While both Kimock and Hollingsworth had previously jammed with Eoto on separate occasions, this would be the first time they had all played together on the same stage.

A favorite local band, The Heavy Pets, opened for Holy Kimoto and did not disappoint the packed house with their rock-funk fusion. As The Heavy Pets finished their set and left the stage, the already full White Room seemed to get even more crowded as people began to get into position for the main event. Zealous fans began to push even closer to the stage, making it difficult for the respective sound crews to prepare the stage for Hann, Travis, Kimock, and Hollingsworth. At long last, with anticipation simmering in the air, the musicians took to the stage for sound check.  Once the music began, the room exploded with energy. Fans began to cheer and dance wildly as the sounds poured off the stage. Although I personally love the creative sounds that Travis and Hann can produce on their own, it is a whole new ball game with the additional levels added by such professionals as Hollingsworth and Kimock. As the rock steady hands of Jason controlled the beat on the drums, Travis layered on bass and keys, and the masterful sound of Kimock's guitar could easily be distinguished. All the while, the musical genius that is Kyle Hollingsworth was a welcomed addition to the trio.  Holy Kimoto continued to jam late into the night, giving fans a whole two sets of mind expanding music. One can only hope that with all four of these amazing musicians' busy schedules that they will be able to get together once again to perform their one-of-a-kind jamming. Thus far, this was the only scheduled performance for Holy Kimoto, and I for one am very glad that I was in the right place at the right time to be able to hear them play together.