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The Join: Featuring Marc Brownstein & Aron Wagner - 3/6/10: Metro, Chicago IL  
Posted: 15 years ago by Didi Trout
The Join: Featuring Marc Brownstein & Aron Wagner - 3/6/10: Metro, Chicago IL
594 Viewed  - 0 Dug it

Nocturnal lovers of the live-tronic and jam scene were appeased this past weekend with a delightful presence rolling through Chi-town. Performing at the Metro a combination of talented musicians performed together in a band called the Join. This evening the bands duo made up of members from The New Deal, joined forces with The Disco Biscuits, Mark Brownstein and Aron Wagner. Filling the venue were those who know the draw of The New Deal and couldn't resist a different dose of the beats that these musicians put forth. The band derived from the Canadian trio which has been reinventing the meaning of live-tronic, brought a different spice and flare to the city with the additional help from a couple members of the Biscuits. The show started late, or early when you think about it literally, at midnight the beats began as the collision of talent existed on stage into the wee hours of the morning.

Dance parties with a homely feeling present always make a good night. With a show like this it was hard not to have a smile on your face and dancing in your feet. The power behind the music of The Join is phenomenal, the members on stage have such passion for their playing, putting forward dance able beats. All the progression in the music comes together with perfection ringing through. The stage was overcome from the get-go with elaborate structure in the music. Great buildup and breakdowns, climactic moments and soothing sensations all blended to create the music. The first set seemed to flout by. The gripping music being created was keeping a wave of motion through the venue. Jamie Shields on the keyboards wails on the keys adding a phenomenal sound to the group. Joining him, drummer Darren Shearer goes berserk adding perfect percussion sounds into the mix. The bass line was brought out by the renowned bassist of The Disco Biscuits,Mark Brownstein along with his band mate Aron Wagner adding more key movements. The combination of two keyboards, bass and percussion is such a unique spotlight on these musicians and instruments. The connection on stage was unbelievable. The first set bumped out beats with continuous instrumental personality shining. It was funky, movements that created such energy over the attendees. As the night raged on the precision in each tune was clear. As the guys took a break from the stage, early morning seemed to be the beginning of high energizing music rolling the night away.

The second set came like a rush of fresh air. The guys came back refreshed and ready to break into some jams. The teamwork on stage putting all the music together was pure delight. Such a way to top off the weekend with the talent that these musicians brought. The mash of music is irresistible, back-beat, dub-step, and various other elements of electronica each elaborated into with perfection. The Join gathers together in such a unique way and gives a clear meaning to the music. A dashing performance bringing together some of the key contributors to the livetronica scene. Livening up the joint the band played till the wee hours of the morn, after a thriving second set which formed astounding build-up, the band busted it down and departed off the stage. This band definitely raised the standard for future improvisational playing with the way they put forward their music, impressive and satisfying.

Such an interesting show to experience. Depending on the locations in which each member is playing they join together and create a show as amazing as the one on this evening. A unique and passionate way to put forth the music. Something not to miss if you are into jaw-dropping talent joining together. This combination of music was certainly a treat to take part in. Leaving the Metro pleased as punch with the music and working over the strict security, the night was gratifying. Definitely not a show to miss when the Join joins together next time. Enlivening the Chicago scene till the break of dawn, the scattering of attendees afterward was blissful and positive; a feeling which should always fill ed for those enjoying live music.