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Lumineers w/CAAMP: May 25, 2002; Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD  
Posted: 3 years ago by KindWeb Ed
Lumineers w/CAAMP:  May 25, 2002; Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD
4,298 Viewed  - 1 Dug it
I was turned on to these bands by my sons and wife over the years. I didn't know much about them, other than them both being somewhat Indie/Folk type bands. So, I didn't know what to expect when arriving at the venue for the show. I have been to the Merriweather venue many times in the past, seeing bands from Phish to String Cheese to the Dear Jerry show and more. While this show certainly had a different "clientele", the show did not disappoint.

When CAAMP came on to open the show, the venue was still very sparsely populated. I thought maybe the whole night would be this way, but not the case. After CAAMP's set, the masses swarmed in for the Lumineers set. While the audience was all seated during CAAMP's set, which is always mind-boggling to me going to so many jamband shows, with it being mayhem, once the Lumineers got onstage, the audience was on their feet.

I was not super-familiar with the Lumineers band. I knew some of their music and have seen them on TV, but I was pleasantly surprised by the musicianship in the band. They were all switching instruments throughout the night with each member of the band being able to play the other member's instrument equally well. They were all over the stage, with a plethora of different instruments being brought out at any given time. I have a whole new respect for this band and would certainly see them again in the future.

Here is a setlist from the night:

Vagabond, Books, Penny, Heads Up, I Keep Going, So Cool, 26, By and By, No Sleep, Peach Fuzz, Going to the Country

Brightside, Cleopatra, Ho Hey, Flowers in Your Hair, Angela, A.M. Radio, Gun Song, My Cell, Slow It Down, Charlie Boy, Never Really Mine, Gloria, Sleep on the Floor, Ophelia, Leader of the Landslide, Walls (Circus) (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers cover), Rollercoaster, Big Parade

Encore: Donna, Submarines, BIRTHDAY, Stubborn Love"